Friday, April 16, 2010

The First Words Make the First Impression

I suppose this will be my first post, in which I am supposed to explain - to who? - my reasons for starting this blog. I have experimented with other blogs before, and I was never successful. Partially because I have a lack of commitment, partially because I have qualms about posting personal anecdotes onto the internet, but mainly because I have friends who read my posts. It isn't that I dislike their opinion, but once I know they can read what I write, it becomes less of me chronicling my life, and more of me putting up a barrier, screening what I want to really say, so they'll think differently of me.

So, to be brief, I won't be telling anyone about this blog. Also, I will not reveal any personal information about myself, though I might reflect on my life deeply.

And I wonder who is actually reading this.

Let me introduce myself. I am a seventeen year old girl, currently enrolled in the most competitive high school in New York City, and struggling to maintain my grades, find a meaning in life, and get into college. I don't have many hobbies, most were killed off because of my intense schoolwork. As of now, I do know that I enjoy Japanese-related things, writing fanfiction, and cooking. But I wonder how long these will last.

Writing has always been something enjoyable for me - hence this blog. But my main direction for it is fanfiction, and it is something that I do not proudly tell other people, simply because they tend to turn down their nose when they realize it's oh, fanfiction.

I don't think there is anything wrong with it, and it's something that I can pour my feelings into, and weave it into characters that I have already fallen in love with, and play with them. It is almost like a simulation game (like Harvest Moon, which I really like), except the way you can manipulate everything is limitless.

I feel as if I am about to faint on my bed, thank god it is a Friday. Time to crash. If I remember, I will post again

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